Monday, October 31, 2005

Ottawa to unveil revamped immigration rules to cut backlogs

Canada to ease way for 700,000

But can Canada absorb this many taxi drivers? Since it's a matter of Canadian policy not to allow professionals from other countries to work in their professions in this country -- or even prove their apptitude or take equivalency examinations -- we're either set to dramatically increase our welfare rolls or see the first Taxi Driver Revolution of the 21st Century.

It is time to flood Immigration Minister Joe Volpe with email ( faxes (613-992-9791) and letters about the general insanity, inanity, and incompetency of his department's policies. (Heads-up for you Joe: I will not accept the reply "Well, the previous head of whatever department I'm currently heading made all these policies and my hands are tied." That will not fly.)

I'm not saying don't let immigrants into Canada, nor am I saying send back the people who are currently being ground into paste by our bureacratic gears. I'm saying, let the doctors coming to Canada be doctors, let the engineers be engineers, etc. Currently the law is "No Canadian experience -- no job." I believe in equivalency examinations and apptitude tests, and the general verifying of professionals' credentials before we allow them to build skyscrapers or cut into a sick patient's body. However, there is currently no such system in place, and there should be.


"We have to start thinking about the Immigration Department as a recruiting vehicle for Canada's demographic and labour market needs ..... we are the lungs of the country," said Mr. Volpe in an interview with Globe & Mail. "We are producing more jobs than the labour market has workers for. ..... We're desperate for immigration."

As an unemployed IT worker for the past 15 months, I must wonder aloud (and angrily) where the fuck are these jobs in the labour market? The Canadian Immigration solution is to import people and export jobs (actually, I guess, the second part of this equation would more likely be under the purview of Industry Canada). How does that work? "Outsourcing" is an unacceptable means of doing business. No, really, it is. No, seriously. You there -- greedy bastard industrialist; greedy bastard businessman -- I'm not engaging in hyperbole on this, I'm speaking honestly. "Outsourcing" is unacceptable.

I have been part of the Canadian Brain Drain into the United States since 2000. Before that, I was draining my brain working in Ireland. There are no jobs in Canada. So, I'm curious how the magicians in the Immigration Department are going to address this situation. No jobs: more people to fill these non-existent jobs.

The answer? All of Canada must move to Ottawa and breathe its drug-tainted air, drink its LSD-invigorated water, and share in the delusion of our leaders.


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