Saturday, September 24, 2005

Seeking a Hybrid Car Sooner Rather Than Later

It's going on two years since I bought my Chevy Cavalier. The car suits my needs in every way except one -- I can no longer afford to drive it. Fuel prices are heading in only one direction, though they'll sputter with corporate coyness. Well, I'm going to try something; I'm going to approach the dealership where I bought my car and see if I can turn it in for a hybrid. I have three years worth of payments left on my Cavalier, and I'm curious how my request will be received. I'm also going to write to General Motors Canada to see how my request will be recieved on the corporate level -- there's sometimes an enormous difference between dealing with a local branch of a company, and those lurking in the highest reachers of the ivory tower.

Since Canadian politicians admit their own woeful impotence and unwillingness to waive taxes on gasoline -- quoting the most fatalistic line of bullshit reasoning I've recently heard: that the gas companies will simply raise their prices as much as the tax relief amounts to, swallowing up any savings automobile owners might have enjoyed. So, as one motorist, I'm taking the situation into my own hands. Let's see what happens.


At 8:06 PM, Blogger Whetam Gnauckweirst said...

Wish I could take credit for the drawing, but I found it on the Web and await a law suit by the artist asking me to cease and desist. In the meantime, I hope all who visit here enjoy it.


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