Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The True American Pass-Time: Moving the Goal Posts

America the powerful. America the omnipresent, omnipotent, the omni-idiotic. America the unravelling. The United States lumber industry doesn't like the outcome of a recent court finding (in favor of Canada) with regard to the illegal tarrifs America has slapped on Canadian lumber, so they want a new process.

America is in the wrong on this issue and they can't stand it. Thing is, Canada should have known from the beginning what it was getting into when it signed the North American Free Trade Agreement: America wants out trade -- for free. Which opened the door to segments of Canada submitting to American freedom, which is: "You have the freedom... to agree with us." "You have the freedom... to do as we say." "You have the freedom... to roll over when we complain."

America the psychotic -- perpetually proclaiming itself to be the world's only Superpower (now that there is only one, maybe it's time to scrap that designation), yet undyingly portrays itself as the underdog in every face-off. You can't have it both ways, America. You're the sucky brute; the drunken businessman in the restaurant who feels he can duck out of paying his bill by loudly complaining about it.

Ain't gonna work this time.


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