Saturday, December 06, 2008

Eh?-Coup-Tay Liberal Party -- No More Dions

A Canadian voter's note to The Liberal Party

You are the party of Jean Chrétien, a hated, duplicitous politician who handed off the ugly end of his leadership to a bumbling, bewildered Paul Martin. After all the breaches of trust, after all of the scandals the Liberal Party has brought Canada, you then select as your leader the inarticulate, deer-in-headlights Dion. I've heard from people I trust that Dion is a brilliant man. Bogus. Truly brilliant people can articulate their brilliant ideas so that the less brilliant can understand. If an auto mechanic is worth anything, he can make me -- who is utterly ignorant about the workings of auto mobiles -- understand what is wrong with my car.

The Liberal Party proposes a Green Tax. Wonderful. As if Canadians are not burdened enough with taxes. Dion traveled the country looking as though he expected to be swept up onto citizens' shoulders for proposing a new tax. "It is green!" he trumpeted. Yeah "green" is in at the moment, but taxes never are.

Offsets, you say. The green tax would be accompanied by offsets? Right. And Jean Chrétien once promised to repeal the GST. You wave that away, I have no doubt, as one trifling example of a minor miscalculation -- and that's why your efforts to regain power continue to fail. The Liberal Party has a serious credibility gap that it's not addressing. We don't believe you. That's an important consideration -- probably the most vital facing the Liberal Party, and I don't think you're taking it seriously. I don't believe the Liberal Party has the maturity, integrity, or the insight for the kind of self-reflection it needs to do.

Personally, I hate the Harper government. Steven Harper's "every man for himself" brand of conservatism is an abomination. His distaste for the arts is inexcusable. His devotion to big business is ugly and unacceptable. His religiosity is intolerable.

And yet I prefer seeing him in power at this moment than the Dion-led Liberals.

Are you getting the picture?

Canadians are sick of Liberal hypocrisy, entitlement, patronage and especially the total lack of accountability the Liberal Party represents.

Now, as you seek Dion's successor, I can't wait to see the walking wounded you choose as leader. Is there no one in the Liberal Party with any sort of vision that rises above "tax! tax! offset! tax!"? Is there not a single Liberal who possesses charisma? Your Christmas parties must be murder! I'll tell you, I see no use for a political party that stores its brilliance within inarticulate, gray-upon-gray politicians who have all the charisma and personality of a parking meter; someone so dense and detached as to think a carbon tax "with offsets" would be embraced by a populace exhausted and outraged by the level of taxation it already suffers and the requisite incompetence and carelessness with which those taxes are wasted.

As the Knight Templar says to Indiana Jones in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: "Choose wisely."


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