Thursday, February 23, 2006

Murder Pays in Canada -- The Lifeline Program

The Lifeline Program appears to be a gift from the Mulroney government to Canada in 1991. The Donner Foundation paid for a "study" and even provided a grant to get the program off the ground.

If you can bear the outrage, these links will tell the story in gutwrenching detail:Is there no civilization in this goddamned country?

From the Corrections Canada Web site: "It is a fact of corrections that the majority of inmates with life sentences will eventually be released on parole..."

Why? Are Canadian people so murderous that if our killers were not set free a sizable of our population would remain behind bars to rot?

I'm of the thinking that aside from cases of clear self-defense, murderers ought to be locked up in jail for the entirety of their lives. Yes, I realize that Canadian judges reason, "Well, the odds of the offender murdering the deceased again are so slim, the offender should eventually be released." No. Not at all.

Murder is such an aberration, such deviant behavior that the diseased few among us who engage in this heinous act ought to be removed from society permanently. The moment they take a life, the murderer loses his rights. I don't care how sorry they are after the fact. We're all sorry when we're caught.

If some murderers go on to be "model prisoners," great. Leave them in jail to be examples to others.

This foregone conclusion that murderers must eventually be released from jail is an insulting fallacy created by doe-eyed politicians whose closest links to crime are their white-collar-criminal golfing buddies. Our politicians must find other ways to assuage their consciences -- ways that don't put the rest of society at risk.


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